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High-vis world map

Imagine a world map showing the world’s largest B2B Flex network populated with pins marking 13,000 buildings. This is that.

Automated workflow

We wipe all the administrative tedium away from your flex search. Submit leads and generate reports at the click of the button.

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Full-scale distribution

When you’re synced here, you’re synced everywhere online — with zero errors, omissions or inconsistencies. Distribute and book your flex inventory with ease.

Sales speed booster

Time-saving, tedium-killing tools that will enable your sales reps to do more of what their job title suggests: selling.

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A world of access

APIs make access to global flex data simple, fast and reliable. Driven by tech, they’re the key to more bookings — all you have to do is plug in and you’re off.

Whole new product lines

Even if you’re not in the Flex market yet, APIs ensure your business can seamlessly tap into the global flex inventory. Creating more product lines and banking more revenue.

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